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Hartman Teen Fellowship 2025-2026

DUE: April 4

Thank you for applying for the Shalom Hartman Institute's Teen Fellowship for high school students. Applications will be reviewed in May with application decisions shared by May 30th. 

We are excited to get to know you so please be sure to review the website thoroughly for information on what you will learn, the program commitments, and fees.

This application consists of 3 pages. You can navigate between pages using the buttons on the top right of the page. The application includes:
- Demographic Information
- Personal Reflection Questions & Video submission
- Recommendation

Learn more at our Open House (register here)! You can watch the recording here.

If you have any questions regarding the application process please contact Dina Wyler at
Personal Information

For more information please visit


Parent/Guardian Information
Parent or Legal Guardian 1

Parent or Legal Guardian 2


All About You

Instructions: Please answer questions 1-3 in writing. If you express yourself most clearly through other modes, please email Dina Wyler ( to discuss.

Thought Questions

5. What is something that excites you?

Please share a link to a video of yourself answering this question.
  • The video should be 30-60 seconds.
  • Please do not use professional equipment and keep editing to a minimum.
  • Check your video link in a browser that is private/incognito to ensure that it is viewable by the public (and therefore that we will be able to view it).

Check your video link in a browser that is private/incognito to ensure that it is viewable by the public (and therefore that we will be able to view it).
Letter of Recommendation
Please list the first name, last name, and email address of your recommender. We have found the best recommendations are written by someone who personally knows the applicant well.

Here are instructions that you can forward to your recommender in advance of submitting your application:

After you submit your application, your recommender will automatically receive a link to submit their letter.

Your recommender will be asked to reflect on your ability to:
  • wrestle with complex ideas
  • engage with text-based learning (previous Jewish text experience not required)
  • explore questions of Jewish identity and Peoplehood
  • build inclusive, supportive, and collaborative community

Your letter of recommendation must be received by April 4. We recommend speaking with your recommender before submitting the application to ensure that they have enough time.

We will only review complete application packages (with submitted recommendations), please be sure to follow up with your recommender.


School details
Instructions: Please select your school from the dropdown list below.
  • If you do not see your school on this list or are homeschooled, please check the appropriate box below.

School Information

School Contact

Background Information
Instructions: We are excited to build a diverse program where participants can have robust conversations and explore pluralism. The questions below will provide some information that helps us understand the diversity of our applicants. There are no better or worse answers. Previous institutional affiliation is not a requirement for acceptance.

Previous Jewish Day School

Current or Previous Sunday School


Current or Previous Jewish summer camp

Synagogue or Congregation Info:

Salesforce IDs for participation records
Program ID - Insert Program ID here as DEFAULT VALUE
Time Commitment
This Fellowship is a serious time commitment. The Fellows will meet at the following times:
  • Opening Shabbaton (location to be announced): October 23-25, 2025
  • Monthly virtual Beit Midrash on Sunday (Approximately 2 hours)
  • Weeknight electives (Approximately 75 min/week)
  • Closing Shabbaton (location to be anounced): May 14-17, 2026
  • Occasional in-person gatherings 

How Did You Hear About Us?

Choose the most relevant


Thank you for completing the application for the Hartman Teen Fellowship. Please be sure that your recommender submits their recommendation letter. We will send you your application decision by May 30.

After pressing "Submit", this form may take a few minutes to process. Thank you for your patience.