
The Hartman Campus Ambassadors offers students the opportunity to grow as Hartman Leaders on their campus. Students will join with other Hartman leaders at a summit in August to engage in deep Hartman learning. Following the program, students will be empowered to bring Hartman ideas to their campus communities through coffee conversations and community gatherings. Students will work with Hartman faculty and utilize Hartman Torah to spark conversation. 

Eligibility: The Hartman Campus Ambassadorship is a one-semester commitment open to sophomore - seniors on campuses across North America. Applicants must have participated in at least two previous or a yearlong Hartman learning program. 

Expectations: Students will cultivate a cohort of their peers and lead three Hartman conversations utilizing Hartman materials. There will be a coffee chat budget to help grow your cohort, a food budget for the meetings, and digital materials to accompany each session. 

Stipend: $1,500 a semester 

The deadline for submission is 5:00 PM ET on April 16th.

Feel free to contact Avigail Schneiman at with any questions about the application. Please include "Campus Ambassador" in the subject line.

We look forward to reading your application!

General and Contact Information

Salesforce IDs for participation records
The following sections are not visible to the user filling out the form. Please insert the proper object id from Salesforce into the fields below as DEFAULT values.  The object ID can be found in the URL of the salesforce entry. See the following example, the object ID is in bold.

That string of characters needs to be added as a default value. To do so, click on the field you want to fill. Then click on the "options" button, and then enter the value into the "default values tab." See the image below for a tutorial.

Also note that you do not need to delete any fields below. For example, If you only want to create a participation for 4 classes, you can just leave the others blank.

FA Tutorial
Program ID - Insert Program ID here as DEFAULT VALUE
Seminar ID - Insert Seminar ID here as DEFAULT VALUE
Privacy Policy

Short Essays

Resume and Reference

Reference: Please provide the information of someone who can serve as a reference. This can be someone who knows you in an academic or non-academic capacity (e.g. a professor, a supervisor, a clergyperson, etc.).

Demographic Information

We collect this information in order to better understand our participants and offer relevant content. This section is optional. All information is kept private and is not shared with any other entities.

Dietary & Accessibility Needs

If you have questions about participation due to disability or medical needs, please contact Avigail to discuss. As this is a relatively new program, challenges may arise, but Hartman staff are doing everything in their power to make sure this internship is accessible.

Scheduling Considerations and Conflicts

Thank you for your application! Those who advance to the next round of the process may be contacted to schedule a virtual interview.