
A Shalom Hartman Montreal Community Event

If you have any questions or concerns, contact Director of Canada, Karen Kollins at karen.kollins@shalomhartman.org

The Zoom Link will be available after completing this registration form via the "Add to Calendar" button and via your confirmation email. 

Salesforce IDs for participation records
The following sections are not visible to the user filling out the form. Please insert the proper object id from Salesforce into the fields below as DEFAULT values.  The object ID can be found in the URL of the salesforce entry. See the following example, the object ID is in bold.


That string of characters needs to be added as a default value. To do so, click on the field you want to fill. Then click on the "options" button, and then enter the value into the "default values tab." See the image below for a tutorial.

Also note that you do not need to delete any fields below. For example, If you only want to create a participation for 4 classes, you can just leave the others blank.

FA Tutorial
Class IDs - Insert Class #IDs here as DEFAULT VALUES 
Geographic Region Fields - DO NOT EDIT

OPTIONAL Demographic Information

We collect this information in order to better understand our participants and offer relevant content. This section is optional. All information is kept private and is not shared with any other entities.