Combined ftj hartman

Foundations for a Thoughtful Judaism - Canadian Order Form

Please use this form to order the Foundations for a Thoughtful Judaism curriculum materials.  Please note that this form is for Canadian use only, and all charges will be paid in CAD.

 Upon completion of the form, you will gain access to our online platform where the course materials can be viewed and downloaded. 

Click here to learn more about the Foundations curriculum including sample syllabi, classes, instructor videos, and podcasts. 
Personal Information

Please make sure your email address is spelled correctly.

Organization Information
Please provide information about the organization with which you are affiliated.

Organization location:                                               

Educator Information

Course materials are accessed online. In addition to yourself, you can grant access to the online course materials to up to two other other educators in your organization. Select the number of other educators below, or leave this section blank if you do not wish to grant access to other educators.

If you require access for more than three educators in total, please email us at

Course materials are accessed online. Please specify the number of educators you would you like to receive access to the online course materials. You can grant access to up to three educators. If you require access for more than three educators in total, please email us at

Educator #1 Information

Please make sure the email address is spelled correctly.

Educator #2 Information

Please make sure the email address is spelled correctly.

Educator #3 Information

Please make sure the email address is spelled correctly.

Curriculum Selection

Payment Information